The Happy Ho – Chapter 6.6

“Who were those guys?” Brig asked the Buddha as they rode a taxi to the mission home. It was 11:45 a.m. and they were cutting it close to their noon appointment. “Just some thugs that wandered in off the street.” “No, not them…and they didn’t just ‘wander in off the street,’ they knew the littleContinue reading “The Happy Ho – Chapter 6.6”

The Reluctant Scholar – Chapter 5.12

Hong Kong missionaries are discouraged from riding in taxis. Though compared to taxi fares in the U.S, Hong Kong cab fares are very reasonable. However, Mormon missionaries are volunteers, and though your father may be a multi-billionaire, the perception of extravagance that riding in a taxi communicated wasn’t one that President Woodley wanted his missionariesContinue reading “The Reluctant Scholar – Chapter 5.12”

The Reluctant Scholar – Chapter 5.10

Brig awoke early to study his Chinese characters. It had been days since he had incorrectly identified one of the two thousand flashcards he had memorized, but he wanted to give himself every advantage for passing the upcoming exam. The Buddha, who had only seven more days left on his mission, slept as Brig studied.Continue reading “The Reluctant Scholar – Chapter 5.10”